Hibiscus Image

Amy Rideg, MA, LMFT

Call to schedule: (805) 288-0981

Hibiscus Image

Amy Rideg, MA, LMFT

Call to schedule: (805) 288-0981



I help clients address trauma as it relates to recovery from abusive relationships, sexual abuse, and police violence.

Sexual Abuse/Trauma

I help clients address symptoms related to sexual abuse/trauma. I have been using Somatic Experiencing to address how the trauma impacts clients' daily lives in the form of friendships, intimate relationships, and their relationship with their body.

Multicultural/Racial Identity

Being hapa/biracial myself, I work with clients who straddle cultures within themselves and within couples. I have always enjoyed learning about other cultures, including languages. I can understand Spanish and Italian.

Highly Sensitive People/Teens

I am an HSP-knowledgeable therapist. Look at my profile on the Highly Sensitive Person website under Southern California.


I help individuals and couples to identify their own needs and build a stronger sense of self.


I help clients and couples create a new relationship with anger, showing how it can be helpful rather than be suppressed or explosive.

Health at Every Size

I help clients build acceptance of themselves internally as a means to accept themselves as a whole.

Eating Disorders

I help clients recognize how they use food as a coping mechanism.

Peru Poetry Photo

Poetry in Lima, Peru

Hawaiian Beach Heart Photo

Beach Heart in Hawaii